Get your business on 1st Page of Google with these simple SEO tips
Moving your business online is a simple process: Purchase a domain and hosting, get a website designed, and upload it. However, the main step is using the right content. Google and other search engines read huge amounts of data every second and they seek genuine and unique data. If you think that using content that you have copied from some random website will help your business and will get you on the top pages of Google, you are absolutely wrong. Read on SEO tips below to learn more about how to get your business website on the first page of Google.

Step 1: Work on the content
Write content that is genuine and relevant to your business services. If your business is about shoes and shoe sales, write only about shoes and sales of shoes and not about buying an Apple iPhone or something irrelevant. Make sure that the content you prepare is free of grammatical errors and common mistakes. If you need help, contact a website content writing company in your area and explain your requirements.
Step 2: Add the right images
While content does have its own perks with search engines, adding the right images also helps in improving your page rankings. Choose images that describe or relate to your website and services well. Try to use free images or purchase images from platforms such as Shutterstock to own copyright on your images.
Step 3: Integrate keywords
Once you have your content and images ready, integrate keywords that have a high search ranking. Keywords are short or long-tail words that relate to your business and are used by online users to find relevant information. For example, an online user interested in online iPhone purchases will use keywords such as ‘Best deals of iPhone in Dubai’ or ‘iPhone black price is Abu Dhabi’, etc. Frame your keywords to include your main services and the areas you cater to. Please note that the use of the area in your keywords helps search engines identify your core business area and matches consumers in those areas to your website.
For help finding the right keywords as per keyword ranking, you can also use the Google Keyword Planner tool. It shares critical information on keywords based on search ranking as low, medium, or high.
If you have identified your keywords, add them to both your content as well as image names.
Step 4: Prepare your Meta tags
Post finalizing your keywords, ask your website developer to add the keywords to all pages on your website backend. These are the meta tags that are read by Google and other search engines to identify your business and services and list them in the results. Your website should have the following:
1 Header tag <H1>
1 Page Title for each page <H2>
2 or more section tags <H3>
Multiple tags at paragraph level <H4>
You are allowed to use heading tags up to H6. Try to accommodate as many heading tags in your website as you can and the more they are, the more visibility your website has.
With respect to your images, you can add relevant keywords through ALT TEXT. Every image should have Alt text and description in the back end.
Need customized help on improving your website page ranking on Google? Call +971 56 96 26 391 or email today.